Evaluation Framework

Ensuring that evaluation leads to better decision making and maximum impact from investment in sport and activity

Sport England's evaluation framework 2016-21


This evaluation framework is a legacy tool from Sport England's 2016-21 strategy

You can still access and use the framework and the resources here if they are useful to you. But please be aware it is no longer maintained or updated, and may contain outdated guidance and broken links.

For information about evaluation and learning for the Uniting the Movement strategy 2021-31, visit our evaluation and learning page on the Sport England website.


Our 2016-21 Evaluation Framework

Our Evaluation Framework will help you design and deliver an effective evaluation for your sport and physical activity project.

It provides easy-to-follow guidance and resources that you can use or adapt alongside your own tools to develop the right approach for you.

The Framework is based on three phases - Design, Implementation, and Learning. Within these are six steps to help you build measurement and evaluation into your project from the very start, and throughout. Begin Step 1 as soon as you start designing your project.

Involve other relevant colleagues who work on project development or delivery, and incorporate the processes and principles into your own systems, ensuring they are compatible and proportionate for your project. Review and reflect on your progress throughout. 

Use the banner at the top of the page to navigate, or click here to get started.

Top downloads

One-page Framework Summary

Adult Question Bank

Child Question Bank


Newest guidance

16 ideas to use learning in how you work

Short Active Lives Survey: what it is and how to use it

Accessible (inclusive) Evaluation

Writing an Evaluation Brief

Designing and Using Registration Forms

Ethics and Personal Data

Maximising Response Rates



Benefits of Measurement and Evaluation

Understanding Impact

  • Understand impact on strategic priorities
  • Compare and aggregate return on investment
  • Track impact over the long term
  • Evidence wider outcomes
  • Strengthen the evidence base for sport and physical activity

Learning and Improvement

  • Inform intervention design
  • Inform investment decisions
  • Refine and improve delivery
  • Support organisational improvement
  • Help others to deliver more effectively

Supporting Advocacy

  • Bring to life the impact of investment
  • Show the benefits of physical activity to health, communities and the economy
  • Advocate for investment in specific interventions
  • Make the case for investment in sport and physical activity nationally and locally

Framework overview

Case Studies

Our case studies show how the framework has been applied to funding streams and projects, with completed examples of the framework's tools.

These can be viewed as you work through the process or by clicking on the links below.

Case Study 1 - CSAF Funding Stream Case Study 2 - MWSF Project

Tools & Resources

We have developed a set of tools and resources to assist you in developing your M&E approach.

You can download and view these as you work through the process or click on the link below to view all the tools and resources available.

Tools and Resources